domenica 8 giugno 2014

Nei giorni 29- 30- 31 maggio si è tenuto allo Spine Center, sede dell'OSCE, un interessante seminario teorico pratico dei docenti delle scuole afferenti all'EROP (European Register Osteopathic Physician), registro che raccoglie le associazioni degli osteopati medici in Europa del quale l'AMOI (Associazione Medici Osteopati Italiani) ne fa parte.

Thursday, 29/5/2014     Chair: R. Kamp

2.30p.m.-3.30p.m            Osteopathic screening tests (D. Sibbing)

3.45p.m.-4.45p.m           An embryologic view: why an how is working an osteopathic thrust on the spine (A. Wurtz)

5.00p.m-6.00p.m.            Greenman’s dirty half dozen  (F. Müller)

6.00p.m-6.30p.m.            Discussion

7.30p.m                            Get together

Friday, 30/5/2014            Chair: J. Besnard (morning), B. Hugentobler (afternoon)

09.30a.m-10.30a.m        Integration of the myofascial kinetic chains in daily practice  (S.Colonna)

10.45.a.m-11.45.a.m     CMD – steps from easy to more complex aspects (D. Hellmich)

12.00-13.00                      EROP Meeting

13.00-14.30                      lunch

14.30-16.30                      History of Anatomy and implication for Osteop. Medicine (R. Kamp)

16.45-18.45                      Pathohistology and Morphology in History of Medicine  (S. Colonna)

20.00                                 EROP Reception

Saturday, 31/5/2014     Chair: A. Wurtz (morning), C. Scheer (afternoon)
09.30-10.30                       Primary Lesion (S. Gieswein)

10.45-11.45                       Relationship between masticatory function, skull an spine from the point
                                          of view of the osteopathic dentist  (S. Frediani)
12.00-13.00                       GETM axial mobilization technique (Christian  Scheer)
13.00-14.30                        lunch

14.30-15.30                       The pelvis – an somatic approach to the psyche (H. Pelz)

15.30-16.00                        Discussion

16.00 -17.00                       Conclusion                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
                                            S. Colonna/R.Kamp
17.00-18.00                        EROP Board meeting    


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